Sunday, November 29, 2009

75 Days

Someone on ebay is selling two Vancouver Olympic pins for $50 each. While most pins on the Vancouver Olympic website are worth $8, these are apparently worth more because they display the Taiwan national flag. Because of politics between China and Taiwan, the International Olympic Committee has ruled that Taiwan may not compete in the Olympics as its own entity. China, who doesn't recognize Taiwan as a state, has compromised and allowed the Taiwanese people to compete as Chinese Taipei, under a different flag. The pins created with the flag of Taiwan were recalled, thus (according to the seller) increasing in worth.

Figure Skater, Evgeni Plushenko of Russia is a favorite to win gold in the men's event in Vancouver. Before the International Skating Union changed the scoring system, he had racked up 75 perfect 6.0 marks. He is also the youngest man to ever receive a 6.0, which he won at sixteen.

The U.S. Speedskating team has won 75 Olympic medals, making it the most successful winter sport in the U.S. Hopefully that number will only grow in February.

The maximum number of gates in a men's Olympic slalom race is 75 gates.

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